August 2022 Crypto Report

August 2022 Crypto Report

The Crypto Flow: The CryptoSpiracy continues to sober those who only want easy upside excitement. Everyone just keeps Believing whatever they want to Believe anyway! Thinking breeds expectations which are only what we want to happen but, not what will...
August 2022 Crypto Report

June Crypto Report

The Crypto Flow: The CryptoSpiracy has become more than sober in recent weeks. Everyone keeps Believing whatever they want to Believe has to happen! Investors still assume they are going to get rich… eventually. Bureaucrats are still enjoying their ignorance of...
August 2022 Crypto Report

Woody Dorsey June Gold Report

A Review of the Bidding: Gold has remained bullish but hasn’t done much? according to some people. Rationality is a poorer performer of the future than we realize. The profiled Gold entry in Mid-March led to a 6–7-week rally. It did and is now backed into another...
04/05/22 Crypto Report

04/05/22 Crypto Report

The Crypto Flow: The Crypto-Spiracy has been relatively sober of late. Everyone keeps Believing whatever they want to Believe has to happen! Investors still assume they are going to get rich… eventually. Bureaucrats are still discussing their ignorance of the...
August 2022 Crypto Report

03/14/22 Crypto Report

Woody Dorsey—The Crypto Flow: The CryptoSpiracy continues. Everyone Believes whatever they want to Believe. Investors think they are going to get rich. Meanwhile Bureaucrats are talking Crypto without saying anything. The Hypno Crypto PR is failing to...