Sentiment Timing Gold Report 02/18/22

Sentiment Timing Gold Report 02/18/22

Gold Report-By Woody Dorsey A Review of the Bidding: Gold structures have remained bullish but haven’t gone much of anywhere for some time. It is a good example of how Rationality is usually a poor performer of what to expect in the future. It is a Buy...
Sentiment Timing Gold Report 02/18/22

Crypto Sangha Update. 2/8/2022

The Crypto Sangha: From 1/27: “The ‘Double Down’ correction is ending in a ‘’Trap Door.’ The Flush creates an entry into Crypto.” That was the entry. There is, ‘Whoosh Risk’ in these assets. Crypto is always Tricky. That is just who she is. Don’t...
Sentiment Timing Gold Report 02/18/22

Crypto Sangha Update. 1/27/2022

The Crypto Sangha: The Crypto Sangha: Everyone Believes whatever they want to Believe. Hypo Crypto continues. This ‘Double Down’ correction is ending. The plunge was a classic ‘’Trap Door.’ That Flush creates conditions for entry into the Crypto...
Sentiment Timing Gold Report 02/18/22

Woody Dorsey Crypto Sangha Report 01/18/22

The Crypto Sangha: Everyone Believes whatever they want to Believe. But Crypto Hypno PR seems a bit bored. Coinage is RISK OFF. A Bigger Picture: The pattern from the Bitcoin Halving of 5/11/20 still has an upside profile. There are defined time zones for the...