03/07/23 Sentiment Timing Report

03/07/23 Sentiment Timing Report

A Semiotics Approach to Markets MARKET ENVIRONMENT: by Woody Dorsey. The October Low was cogent. Great news on Jobs but no one knows what is really happening! Generic Corrective behavior is not demonstrative. Markets fit best with the profile that “Markets are just...
03/07/23 Sentiment Timing Report

02/23/23 Sentiment Timing Morning Notes/Report

Morning Notes Futures are up pretty nicely this morning (/es +18) but running right into a inflection pivot (4023/4015) As you can on the chart below, once the /es ran into the 4023, sellers stepped in and drove price back down to the 200 dma, where buyers were...
03/07/23 Sentiment Timing Report

02/16/23 Sentiment Timing Report

https://www.youtube.com/embed/fPR-ZsJP5c0 TECHNICAL VIEW by Gary Dean:  The chaos and confusion trade REMIANS the trade of the day. I said it in the morning notes and it looks like it MAY shaping up again today. The ground hog day market. I believe we are going...
03/07/23 Sentiment Timing Report

02/14/23 Sentiment Timing Report

A Semiotics Approach to Markets MARKET ENVIRONMENT: by Woody Dorsey. The October Low still has cogency. The bid goes on. Stocks will suffer through all this confusion here and keep on trying to rally. The balloons have burst. Nothing has happened.  “Markets are...
03/07/23 Sentiment Timing Report

02/09/23 Sentiment Timing Report

https://www.youtube.com/embed/GQYuwuwi8_g TECHNICAL VIEW by Gary Dean:  The chaos and confusion trade is in full gear. We are seeing big sell offs followed buy massive buy programs. I got stopped out of my short trade with a 25+- loss, which is not the end of the...
03/07/23 Sentiment Timing Report

02/07/23 Sentiment Timing Report

A Semiotics Approach to Markets MARKET ENVIRONMENT: by Woody Dorsey. The October Low was cogent. Great news on Jobs! That optimism was likely the tactical high. Then, the Balloon burst. Corrective behavior is due. The speech tonight on the State of the Unicorn ...