Welcome to Your Account Dashboard

The gauges below are updated daily and reflect the pulse of the market in two key domains: 

  1. Market Sentiment = How investors are feeling
  2. Technical Threshold = How strong current prices are relative to technical analysis

Both of these measures are based on up-to-date S&P 500 prices. 

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Market Sentiment

[sentiment-gauge color="white" percent="90" title="Bullish" align="center" margin="10px" background-color="#002466" font-color="#FFD085" border-color="#002466"]

Technical Threshold

[sentiment-gauge color="white" percent="70" title="Bullish" align="center" align="center" margin="10px" background-color="#002466" font-color="#FFD085" border-color="#002466"]

 = Low Sentiment

= High Sentiment

