Sentiment Timing Affiliate Programme

Tap into our properietary indicators and leverage advanced trend analysis to stay two steps ahead of the crowd – whether prices are on the up, moving sideways or on the verge of collapse. 

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What is Sentiment Timing?

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Why Partner with Sentiment Timing?

Advantage #1

Reason 1

If you’ve been around the block a few times, you know that 90% of the trading game is mental.

Time and time again, we’ve all made calls that (with a little hindsight) we wish we hadn’t. This usually happens because we’re worried about what the future holds.

Keeping your finger on the pulse of the market helps you mitigate this. With our proprietary sentiment indices and clear information, you’ll have an edge that few investors possess.

Advantage #2

Reason 2

Whether you’re managing your own money or someone else’s, it’s easy to get bogged down in wondering what the best move is.

Sometimes, we play it too safe. Other times, we take unnecessary risk. Either way, we don’t always make the best decisions.

Our premium research helps you make more informed decisions by providing targeted insight when you need it most.

Advantage #3

Reason 3

Most financial newsletters operate like a lottery. They make a lot of predictions, and ultimately, only a few come through.

That’s great for attracting novice investors. But you don’t gamble with real wealth. You don’t need stock picks – you need insurance.

Market sentiment information might seem boring or even unnecessary in a bull market. But trust us: when you need it, you’ll be glad you have it.

How to Get Involved

Join The Golden Circle today to enjoy the following benefits:


Sentiment Timing’s Golden Circle reports are powered by the wisdom and experience of market legend Woody Dorsey, a 35-year stock market veteran.


Choose from our full range of zero-fluff video courses, regular emails and audio seminars to upgrade your knowledge and learn in whatever way suits you best.


Sign up for our daily dispatches, subscribe for tailored monthly updates or get week-by-week analysis of subtle changes in market sentiment.  

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I have benefitted from Woody Dorsey for over 13 years. The proprietary sentiment indices have been of immeasurable value in positioning for major moves in US capital markets.

John Porter

Manager –  Global Fixed Income

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Join Our Affiliate Programme Today

We can’t promise that subscribing to our premium research will deliver 1000% returns in the next 12 months, or that every call we make will be perfect. 

What we can promise you is this: 

We can help you to become a more informed, more educated and more equipped investor. 

And in times like these, a slight edge can make all the difference.